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ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-02-25T17:18:20.712+08:00   統計を見る
23-12-12  Accessible Gaming Is Becoming More And More Mainstream and I'm All Here For It! (youtu.be)
23-12-12  Messing with a Scammer who tells people they won 2.5 million dollars!! [13:51] (www.youtube.com)
23-12-12  One of (in not the) most visual and informative electricity videos ever (youtu.be)
23-12-12  15-year-old Teen boy to face judge after battery charges in beating of 9-year-old girl on school bus (youtu.be)
23-12-11  The Completionist Charity Drama - Final Response To The Completionist's Response (www.youtube.com)
23-12-10  The best fireworks gone wrong video in existence (youtu.be)
23-12-11  Footage from a tour of "id Software" in November, 1993 (just prior to the release of DOOM) (www.youtube.com)
23-12-11  guy fucking jams for 53 seconds straight (youtu.be)
23-12-10  Tsunami in Japan filmed by a driver from his car (youtube.com)
23-12-10  Superstar - Leonid & Friends (The Carpenters cover) - Happy Birthday Ksenia Buzina! (www.youtube.com)
23-12-10  At a local dive bar there was a Rankin/Bass movie playing simultaneously with Eminem's music, and surprisingly, they synced up perfectly. Inspired by this coincidence, I decided to create a music video. I present "That Ass is Comin' to Town" (youtu.be)
23-12-09  An incredibly thrilling video expertly explaining the most plausible sequence events that saw the disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370 (youtu.be)
23-12-09  1 year ago, the Family of Neveah Hall was awarded $95.5 million after suffering brain damage from a former dentist (youtu.be)
23-12-09  SCP-105 "Iris" - An interesting story about a girl who can do photoshop in real life! [5:59] (www.youtube.com)
23-12-09  AphexTwin - Stone in focus - Philosophical Ape 2 hours (youtu.be)
23-12-09  How to convert between decimal and binary [8:46] (youtu.be)
23-12-09  Man who impregnated 10-year-old says he doesn't deserve the 160 year sentence (youtu.be)
23-12-09  Tulsa man could face more charges after 12-year-old delivers his child | FOX23 News Tulsa (youtu.be)
23-12-09  The Mellotron: A Keyboard with the Power of an Orchestra (1965) | British Pathé (youtube.com)
23-12-09  The wild story of Norbert Witte, an international drug trafficker responsible for the 2nd deadliest theme park disaster in history [20:24] (youtu.be)
23-12-09  How to feel confident when hanging out with a guy [13:07] (youtu.be)
23-12-08  For the record, John Cleese only argued for 1:23 seconds … not 5 minutes (youtu.be)
23-12-07  Learning and playing with Gemini: A glimpse into the future of AI (www.youtube.com)
23-12-07  Rocky Marciano the only boxing heavyweight champion to have won all his fights, praises his opponent after what would be his last fight before retiring undefeated. (youtube.com)
23-12-07  India and Asia Are Preparing for Outbreak of New Disease from China | Va... (youtube.com)
23-12-07  An injured Iraq combat veteran explains the massive failures of the VA, and it's only getting worse. This needs to be fixed. (youtu.be)
23-12-06  We Stitched Together All the Footage from the Capitol Riot (youtu.be)
23-12-05  My best little buddy passed away. Kennedy loved people and would have loved to meet each and every one of you. I did not know how to get through the pain, but making this video helped me remember so many moments he and I shared that I had forgotten about. (youtu.be)
23-12-05  I'm unsure if this episode of Star Trek TNG was initially intended as a trans allegory, but this scene in particular tugs at the heartstrings when you interpret it that way. Star Trek's social commentary has always been on point. (www.youtube.com)
23-12-05  The trouble problems within the black community addressed (youtu.be)
23-12-05  Youtuber breaks down Plagiarism on Youtube (Ft. Filip, Iilluminaughtii, Internet Historian, and more) (youtu.be)